zondag 23 oktober 2016

WAR! The Battlefield Just Got Even Bigger! Hell On Earth, Ready or Not, Here It Comes!

WAR! The Battlefield Just Got Even Bigger! Hell On Earth, Ready or Not, Here It Comes!

Published on Oct 22, 2016
WAR! The Battlefield Just Got Even Bigger! It is time to stop playing and get ready! This message also contains a powerful word from the Lord! Fasten your seat belts, the ride is going to get rough!


donderdag 6 oktober 2016

Da Plane! Da PLane! The Earth is FLAT ~The planes help to prove the plane

Published on Apr 15, 2015
The planes can help to prove the plane...especially the planes flying from the southern hemisphere. I spent a day trying to travel from continent to continent and found out just how ridiculous the routes look on the Google map only to find the answers when mapping them on the flat earth map. Here are a few planes that help prove the plane.

rollingthunder42 8 months ago
How do you know when you have struck a nerve? When real changes occur due to your actions, such as farecompare having to change their website and flight search format. Fllight 27 disappeared from all of the searches for at least three days before it reappeared today. When droves of shills come at you with silly arguments and insults to waste your time and sway the viewer on the fence, and then they share the video...ha ha ha...does that make sense? Yes, because there are networks of these scumbags, and when a video hits the mark, they spread it to all of their minions for a group style attack. Critical minds will see through all of their tactics.

zondag 2 oktober 2016

Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth

Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth

Dailymotion is (like Youtube) also a JESUIT-controlled PIECE OF CRAP, but never mind: download the video and rename it into  Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth


Published on Mar 6, 2016
_My latest 'humble' video contribution to the Flat Earth Truth.
_Pandora's 'Flat Earth' Box has been opened. You cannot deny this video, nor the damning-evidence it presents PROVING we live on a "Flat Earth". DEBUNK it! I can't wait for the comments on this one fellow 'Flat Earthers';)
_For those of us whose eyes have been opened, this video will only reaffirm your belief in a Flat Earth & our *Creator*. {PLEASE CHECK & VERIFY ALL LINKS}